
An Update from Marianne

Dear friends,

I saw the surgeon last Friday and I am now out of the sling and have moved on to more aggressive PT.  I am glad to be able to move my left arm again, but since it was unused for 8 weeks, I have a long way to go to get back my strength and flexibility.

The doctor told me that if there's not sufficient improvement when he sees me next (1/30), he'll have to do a "manipulation".  Under anesthesia he "moves" the arm to break up the adhesions and scar tissue.  Needless to say, I do NOT want to do that so I am pushing myself pretty hard - no pain, no gain!  Hence, if you see me and I'm not smiling, it's because of the PT, not you!!!

Hope the Christmas/Hanukkah season and New Year's were great for everyone!

Go Packers!


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